You're Invited

Don't Miss It!

A gentle reminder for you (and for us!) that this big day is coming soon. Well about this soon to be exact!

We need a few details from you. Are you coming? (We hope so!) Do you have any dietary requirements? Will you need a pick up and/or drop off on the bus between Kingscliff and the Farm?

If you're looking to share your photos with us of the day (well actually after because we'd love to make the first posts of our day online), please use our hashtag!

Whilst we'll be looking our absolute finest, we'd love for you to do this same. Let's make this a stylish celebration, so for gentlemen that's a collared shirt, slacks or chinos and dress shoes. For the ladies, a sundress or skirt/blouse combination.

We understand that children are a blessing and a big part of our lives, but for this sepcial occasion, we've made the difficult decision to keep it an adult-only event.


This is the important part of the whole thing. When you have a little panic about if you're late or don't know where to go. Here's your answer!


The ceremony (weather permitting) will be under the tree on the top of the front paddock's hill. It is walkable from the parking pad but its a little cross country, the bus will make a late stop there to pick everyone up if you'd like a lift up. From there, for those that need a little extra assistance, we will have a little golf buggy shuttle to get you nice and close.

Looking for directions: CLICK HERE


After the ceremony, its a short walk down the hill (again we will have a little shuttle for those requiring) to the marquee. Enjoy some cheese and crackers from the grazing board as well as some drinks and some music while the sun begins to set on our magical day (but hasn't set on our night yet!).


If you're travelling from afar, we recommend trying to find somewhere between Pottsville and Kingscliff. We are planning on having a bus do a run from Kingscliff in the afternoon before the wedding and to drop you home after you've let your hair down with us. Just let us know in the RSVP if you need a lift and we can liaise with you an approximate pick up time near your accommodation.


If you got the invite and got this far, you probably should know all the details. If you don't, well here is a little cheat sheet so that when you get to the wedding and someone says something to you like "isn't their house lovely?" or "how'd they meet?", at least you'll know enough about us to not sound silly!


It should not be of much surprise that the nerdy, tech guy found the love of his life online 🖥️. We matched, we chatted, it worked and everything sounded lovely. Even we're fuzzy on the exact details here, like when was the first message sent, who sent it. But that's all trivial really at this stage!


Eventually we worked out we should meet. Now theres's no photographic evidence of us here (so we dropped a photo in of us after our next year's recreation of the first date). We went for dinner, we ate Indian, we drank red. Did we eat Saffron Rice or normal? Was it two dishes or three? Those are the questions Ben still doesn't know the answers to, maybe he was too caught up in the moment to take notes 🤷‍♂️


It was on the farm 🌾, not far from where you will be on the day. Ben was nervous, almost panicking. Stacey said 'of course' (obviously or we wouldn't be here.), we kissed and then went for dinner...for Craig's Birthday (bad timing) where Stace took the ring off and later slipped it back on to see how long it would take the family to notice. Shirley's "Oh my god" gave it away for everyone else 😄


September of 22 presented us with the chance to move into our own 🏠 home 🏠. We're in love with where we live and each day it feels more and more like home!